Malibu Creek State Park: Rock Jumping

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Malibu Creek State Park
In addition to jumping off rocks, people also go rock climbing in this area as shown in this photo.

These warm days are reminding me of this Malibu Creek State Park adventure that felt like a much-needed girls getaway at the time, on a beautiful Saturday morning almost two years ago. Don't worry, the rock pool is still there, and so are the rocks we jumped off of. I would check the water levels though — I don't know if it's any different with the drought. If anything, this area is a great hiking choice.

I conquered some fears on this little excursion, and I still vividly remember the experience even today.

Road trip: To Las Vegas and back again

Friday, June 26, 2015

Roadtrip: Los Angeles to Vegas

Above is me. In probably my happiest captured form: open road, blue skies, friends, adventuring, and just being completely in love with where I am.

I love road trips. Maybe because I'm from LA and having a car symbolizes freedom a bit more than in other cities. There really is something freeing to me about being able to take your car and go to some place new. Even more so than flying. Sometimes flying doesn't feel as far away — it feels more about the destination: you're in one place, and then all of a sudden you're in the next.

With a road trip, there's a journey. There are stops, there are things to look at, to observe. There are long hours, lots of snacks, and "are we there yet?" moments, but it's all part of this random journey. You know that eventually you'll get to your destination, but might as well be flexible, take the time to explore and have fun along the way.

And the road trip I'm highlighting today is one of many that I've taken from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, and back.

Our stops included:

and back

Read on for all the random details.

Rise Festival 2014

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Rise Festival 2014

Go. Experience this event.

Tickets go on sale today at 9am Pacific time for the Rise Festival. I went last October with some friends, and it was truly the most magical — and then one of the most challenging — experiences of my life. But let's focus on the magical. They've implemented changes this year, and they moved locations from the Jean Roach Dry Lake Bed to the Moapa River Reservation, which sounds more promising. They are also hosting it in Pheonix if you can't make it to Nevada.

Find out more about the event and buy your tickets here. Seriously, this is an event you would not want to miss if you have the opportunity to go.

Read on to get my personal experience of the event, and to see photos, and a video. Also, look out this week for the road trip there and back. I mean, might as well make the journey fun too, right?

Seattle Travel Guide

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

It's been fun sharing all my adventures from this trip! I was really fortunate to have three of the most beautiful days Seattle could ever produce, and to enjoy the weather, the sites, and all the great people I met along the way.

If you're going to Seattle, I put together a reference guide for everywhere I've talked about — and some things I wish I could have talked about — here.

Enjoy, and be sure to share your experiences! 

Seattle, WA: Day Three

Monday, June 22, 2015

Seattle, WA

My last full day in Seattle was comprised of:
  1. Gum Wall — our mark was still there! 
  2. Walk down to the Harbor Area (watch out for construction)
  3. Ride on the carousel at Miner's Landing
  4. Argosy Cruises Harbor Tour using my City Pass
  5. Pike Place Market 
  6. Bike Ride via the Burke-Gilman Trail
  7. Gas Works Park {En route}
  8. Fremont Troll {En route – kind of}
  9. Full Tilt Ice Cream {En route}
  10. Ballard Locks & Fish Ladder {En route}
  11. Zayda Buddy's Pizza for dinner {En route back}
  12. Bike through the sunset
  13. Watch Sleepless in Seattle
For the details of sweet foods, random decisions, bike off-roading, and unexpected adventures, read on.

Glassblowing in Seattle

Thursday, June 18, 2015


It's like I've got the whole world in my hands... but actually it's the glass paperweight I made in Seattle at the Seattle Glassblowing Studio.

As I mentioned in my previous post, it was a bit pricey ($150 for a private 30 minute lesson, including the end result of the paperweight) — especially for my budget — but I just felt like while in Seattle, it was something I wanted to learn more about. It was my very big splurge. I was even more motivated and excited after I went to the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit. Who knew glass could be so creative and inspiring?

Let's walk through some of the exhibit and the glassblowing process together, shall we?

Seattle, WA: Day Two

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Seattle, WA

Day two in Seattle was equally exciting, but unlike the previous day, there was a lot of impulsive buying and money spending. Mostly on food, attractions, and experiences.

  1. It was #NationalDoughnutDay, so obviously a trip to Top Pot Doughnuts was in order
  2. Chihuly Garden and Glass — phenomenal/inspiring/amazing/fantastic/favorite etc. etc.
  3. Learned glass-blowing at the Seattle Glassblowing Studio
  4. Artist's at Play Playground — so fun! Even if you're not five years old
  5. EMP Museum / Experience Music Project Museum 
  6. Seattle Space Needle — where I caught a fish? 
  7. Olympic Sculpture Park
  8. Giant Shoe Museum
  9. Owl 'n Thistle Irish Pub for some of the "best fish 'n chips" — agreed
  10. Kerry Park to watch the sunset

Read on for all the details — like how I caught a fish at the Seattle Space Needle, and what places I would skip or not spend as much time at.

Seattle, WA: Day One

Monday, June 15, 2015

Pike St. Press, Seattle
Card designed and sold by Pike St. Press in Seattle, WA

It's been awhile since I've explored a place I have never been to before. A place that I have little to no expectations or previous images of how it's going to be. When my stepmom provided a means of Southwest transportation and essentially a low-cost ticket to anywhere with a deadline of June 16th, I chose Seattle. Because, why not?

I spent three full days there, arriving at 9am on Thursday, June 4th, and leaving 10:30am on Sunday, June 7th.

My lasting image of Seattle is green and blue. Those are the colors I primarily saw from above, and below. I expected the green — actually even more green than I saw — but I didn't expect all the blue.

This trip I really tried to not plan too much, but leave some time to discover. However — because I'm me and love to plan— I ended up doing a lot of research beforehand to have in case there were specific places, tours, or events I'd be disappointed if I didn't see or take advantage of. So basically, each of my three days there ended up being jam-packed. In the best way possible.

The first day in Seattle was a combination of planning and wandering.

First day itinerary:

  1. "Free" Walking Tour @ 11am (I say "free" because they ask to contribute whatever you feel at the end of the tour, and they did such a great job that I contributed/paid as much I would on a regular tour, but technically you could contribute nothing). 
  2. Pike St. Press where I picked up a couple of cards, including the one above
  3. Taxi Dogs for lunch at the Victor Steinbrueck Park 
  4. Pike Place Market
  5. Gum Wall in Post Alley where my friend and I made a sticky mark
  6. Columbia Tower — 40th floor Starbucks and a {free} view
  7. Seattle Art Museum [SAM] — {free because of First Thursday}
  8. The first Starbucks store at 1st & Pike
  9. Watched the sunset back at Victor Steinbrueck Park
  10. Went to sleep! (Especially after only getting four hours the previous three nights)

Read on for all the pictures and details.

Pasadena Chalk Festival

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pasadena Chalk Festival 2012

Flashback Saturday (I'm making it a thing — #FBSaturday anyone?) to that time three years ago I went with a friend to the Pasadena Chalk Festival. And guess what? It's happening next weekend! So in case you didn't know, now you do. It's a festival, so other than incredible chalk art, they've got food and performances throughout the weekend. When I was there, Grouplove performed (who I didn't initally recognize until I looked up their single "Tongue Tied" later).

Palos Verdes: Terranea Resort

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Terranea Resort in Palos Verdes is what I think of as a real getaway without really getting away.

While I was working a recent event here, I got off early and just went out onto the deck to soak up the sunshine on one of their comfortable chairs. It just feels like everything that you thought was really important and had to get done now can really be put off awhile longer. The scenery demands attention in the most non-aggressive way.

Malibu: Solstice Canyon

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Malibu: Solstice Canyon

I just got back from Seattle, WA Sunday and while I'm putting together a more comprehensive view of everything I enjoyed, this week I'm sharing some recent fun excursions in Los Angeles.

We wanted to hike in Malibu, so my friends and I reviewed some options and decided on Solstice Canyon. It's about an hour — on a good day — from the South Bay. The day we chose was a nice balance of sunshine and clouds, so it wasn't too hot.

We chose Solstice Canyon because of the remains of two buildings — which seemed historic and exciting in some way — and the potential sight of a waterfall. With the drought, we weren't expecting much. But we got a lot.

Las Vegas: Mob Museum

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Las Vegas

If you're going to the Neon Museum (which, to me, is first priority) then you might as well get the combo ticket to the Mob Museum.

Honestly, this museum could take you all day. And it's got every museum exhibit feature design that you could possibly think of to keep you intrigued and entertained throughout each part of the exhibit. I was taking an Experience Design class at the time, so I was paying particular attention to the way the exhibits were designed, and I was extremely impressed.

But other than the actual exhibition design, the information about the mob blew my mind (blowing minds — a mob trademark). The mob was everywhere. Maybe, probably, still is.

Just be careful you don't get caught being associated with the mob like we did (above). At least these are the friends that would be in jail with me instead of just bailing me out ;)

Las Vegas: Neon Museum

Friday, June 5, 2015

Las Vegas

Utah and Las Vegas have been primary visiting points these last few years. Maybe because it's within driving distance. And if you're driving from Los Angeles to Utah, you go right through Las Vegas, so you might as well stop.

When I'm in Vegas, I don't drink, gamble, or usually go out to show off my moves at a club. So what the heck do I do?

Surprisingly for some, Las Vegas is actually more than just for partying. For example, there's places like the Neon Museum.

Every time someone I know is going to Vegas, I always recommend them going to this place. They usually don't... but that's definitely their loss (I'm looking at you Gina), because the Neon Museum is basically a neon sign graveyard that tells the history of Las Vegas. And if that doesn't sell you, then ... well, it's just fantastic. How about that?

Brighton, UT in brief

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Aside from wanting to see the ice castles, I just really wanted to experience winter. Or at least what winter should feel like. So while all my Utah friends were super happy it wasn't snowing, and there wasn't really snow on the ground, I was personally super disappointed. I wanted snow. I wanted to make snow angels, have a snowball fight, freeze a little bit, and make a snowman. I always want to build a snowman.

So on the final day Krystal and I were in Utah, Brittney suggested we drive to Brighton. We had gone to church, and watched "Crossroads" (yep, that Britney Spears movie) before we finally left to experience the snowy bliss.

We were in Brighton for a brief moment, but it was enough time to make that^ glorious creation.

Salt Lake City, UT: Four of my favorite places

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


I've been to Utah about four times in the past four years. For different reasons and different lengths of time... so far in the fall and winter. I'm not a local, but I usually stay with people who have grown up in or around Salt Lake City.

The four places I've chosen as my favorites were chosen because they're the ones I consistently visit every time I'm there, and they're still just as fun/interesting/beautiful to me as the first time I explored them.

In Provo, it started with Waffles

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


I'm taking a trip this weekend and I realized I never shared some of my trips from earlier this year. So I guess this is like a "take-me-back-Tuesday," and tomorrow's "way-back-Wednesday," etc., because these trips were way worthwhile.

It was the end of January when I journeyed to Utah with my friend Krystal. Why go to Utah since it's snowy and usually freezing cold?

Monthly Inspiration: June

This quote was actually not in the original quote book I made. But it should have been.

It was said by a man who gave his life to the service of others. Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints passed away this last Saturday. I chose this quote to honor and remember him.

We all have an incredible amount of good potential within us to achieve so much.

Personally, I get down on myself when I don't know how to do something, and I start doubting myself, my skills, my abilities.

In this past year, I've really tried to focus on believing I can do anything. It sounds cheesy, but even if I don't believe I can do something, I just pretend like I can, and imagine it, and somehow... it gets done.


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