Monthly Inspiration: August

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Happy August!!! I can't believe summer is coming to a close and that it's AUGUST! This year is over halfway over! But no worries, there's still time left for greatness.

So... not to spring this on you or anything, but I'M MOVING. And not down the street like my brother — proud of you Collin and a little jealous of your sweet set-up! — like up and going out of Los Angeles. Out of state. Specifics to follow, but feel free to make any guesses (unless you already know — don't be a cheater).

I'm really excited about it. Also terrified. But I just put in my notice at work this last week so it's official official.

Because I'm moving, it makes each moment all the more memorable and sweeter. This last Monday night, just as I was about to go to bed at 9pm because I'm that old and was weirdly exhausted, my friend Emily called and said she, AJ, and Ashley were going to kidnap me and we were going to go somewhere fun. C'est la vie and YOLO — I was willingly taken.

They picked me up, had a killer playlist and we drove through the LA night singing and car dancing all the way on to Diddy Riese. There was the "Vacation" movie premiere happening at the Fox Theater with a little VIP party going on next to the long Diddy Riese line. They were blasting some good music too so Emily and I danced in line much to the amusement and embarassment of AJ and Ashley.

I realized this may be the last time I go to Diddy Riese for a long long time. And it's so strange to me how I used to live in Westwood and I can so easily remember my first couple of times going to Diddy Riese and how the area was all so new and confusing, even before I went to school at UCLA. Now these things are preserved memories layered with new memories like the one that night.

On the ride back, when we were almost home, they saw some sprinklers on and apparently running through sprinklers is on their summer bucket list, so we stopped just so we could get soaking wet running through them at 11 o'clock at night.

The quote above came to mind as we were in the car, as we were singing, as we were running through the sprinklers, as the air from the open window was blowing through my face reminding me of where I was in that moment. I wasn't hanging out of the window like in the movie scene of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, but that feeling of glorious freedom and being there, in that specific moment of inifinity was present.

I will cherish each moment of infinity I have with these girls for the next four weeks I'm here.


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