San Pedro: Sunken City

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Sunken City in San Pedro felt like a small part of Venice Beach had left an imprint here. There was graffiti, and palm trees, and areas where it seemed like you could make it into a skatepark. It also felt like it's own treasure, hidden from view until you climbed over a wall and down a dirt road.

I was with a group of friends when we tried to find this place. I had seen blogs and Instagram posts about it, and it seemed more dangerous and inaccessible than it actually was. I can imagine that it wouldn't be the best or safest place to be at night, but during the day it was an adventure of the best kind. Obviously you should be careful on any hike you go on – if you really want to call this a "hike." It was more of a nice walk. But bring good hiking shoes because of the glass in some places and to get down to the water, it's necessary.

So first, go to the park at 500 W Paseo Del Mar, San Pedro. At the far left, past the cafĂ©, there's a road to nowhere and a white wall separating the park from the ocean below. You'll see the fence to go under if you look over the white wall to the left. Be careful if you go over the wall. It's not any more dangerous than other Palos Verdes hikes I've done, but still. 

Once you go under, just follow the road and you'll see the remnants of the landslide below.

My friend Jessi was pretty insistent on touching some water so we found a way down to the ocean and relaxed on the jutting rocks below. I took my shoes off and we made it a competition to see how far we could run out to the end of the rock without having the water come back and touch us. We all lost as shown below.

This is completely worth checking out and exploring.

Very close by/might as well go here too:
The Korean Friendship Bell
Marine Mammal Care Center

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